Burning brightly all day long on Knotts Green, Leyton
This blog is pleased to announce a new addition to its attractive ‘Ed Miliband Collection’ of streetlamps which burn brightly all through the daylight hours. This makes nine in total, courtesy of the ‘switch it off’ Council.
The Council will continue to investigate and, where appropriate, trial new energy-saving street lighting technologies in its drive to reduce energy consumption.
Not bad for a Council which hasn’t yet discovered how to operate the ‘off’ switch.
Friends, why not print out this photo and take it along to get it autographed by Ed Miliband, when he drops by at Willowfield School at the end of the month to explain how it’s up to all of us to do our bit to fight global warming by not wasting electricity.
Ed will be no doubt be enlightening us all as to why that Heathrow third runway is necessary to the economy and how climate catastrophe can be averted by everyone buying an electric car.