Cycle route signing in the Lea Valley.
Comprehensive cycle direction signing is essential to the success of a cycle route and its use. Without a well thought out, designed and located system of signing, the route will fail to meet basic criteria such as coherence and continuity.
That’s true enough. But even something as rudimentary as cycle signing is neglected in Waltham Forest. This faded sign bears the faint impression of an arrow, a bicycle and the word Walthamstow. It points the way from a Lea Valley cycle path over the railway bridge to The Black Path.
(Below) Cycle signing in the Lea Valley, obscured by a bush. This is about 30 metres from the sign shown above.
(Below) The lowest sign, indicating the route to Hackney, has been pointing in exactly the wrong direction since last summer, when I first noticed it. Argall Way E10.