Tuesday, 26 August 2008

The unbearable dimness of Belam

FORMAL complaints about street cleaning have almost doubled since private company Kier took over the contract. But the council is pleased with the £600,000 saving it has made.

Cabinet member for environment, Cllr Bob Belam, did not think Kier was to blame. He said: "It is clear that in the lead up to the new contract street sweeping and grounds maintenance services were not as good as they should have been. Kier, since taking over the contract, have retrained our staff and have put on extra resources at night and at the weekend to deal with this problem. Roads are now getting cleaner and residents will start noticing the difference.”

Can you spot the cycle stands in this picture, taken just off Walthamstow's famous High Street? If so, you could win a free copy of the council's Green Charter, signed by environment supremo Bob Belam!

Parents, why not give the car a break and let your children walk to school? They can also improve their climbing skills as they make their way over this mountain of crap to Mission Grove School in the background of this photo.

(Pics taken at the weekend)

Footnote. Cllr Belam gets £10,211.33 annual basic allowance as a councillor, and an additional £21,442.27 'special responsibility allowance' for his environmental work. No wonder he's smiling in all those council photos...