Council leader Cllr Chris Robbins said:
“As well as giving local people something new and different to try their hand at, we’re also hoping that this will bring in people from further afield and show them exactly what our part of London has to offer once they’ve tested their skills on the ice.”
What a marvellous idea! First of all, sample the stunning new ice rink. I shall be blogging about that later in the week, and showing how 'The Robbins Rink' has got Somerset House running scared. After that, take a walk around the borough and see how well the Council is, in its own words, 'leading the fight against enviro-crime'. All photographs taken this week, between 3rd and 7th of November.
(above) Langthorne Road E11
(below) The walking environment on Park Road E10
(below) Relax on Pretoria Avenue E17...
(below) A sofa gets friendly with a 'quality environment' litter bin on Aubrey Road E17.
(below) The well-swept and maintained seating area at the junction of St Mary Road E17 and West Avenue Road.