a 12 per cent increase in carbon emissions in road transport between 1997 and 2006 in England
and today’s Independent fulminates against the government
It is the Great Green Betrayal. With environmental issues becoming ever more critical, the green policies of Gordon Brown's government are standing still or even going backwards, it became clear last night. On the day of a major warning that time is running out to solve the problems caused by climate change, it emerged that Britain's own green policies are stalled or backsliding in three crucial areas.
On the other side of the political fence
Traffic lights will stay green longer for cars but be cut back for pedestrians under the transport manifesto of Boris Johnson, the Conservative candidate for Mayor of London. Richard Hebditch, campaigns manager for Living Streets, said: “If we are to encourage walking we need to make it safe, quick and easy to get about on foot — rephasing signals to mean people are waiting on the kerb for longer to be able to cross roads makes walking frustrating.”
The full story here.
Meanwhile in the London Borough of Waltham Forest, the Council’s street services personnel continue to think a great place to dump LBWF street sweepings rubbish sacks are… cycle stands. Here are two Council sacks dumped by the cycle stand on William Street E10 yesterday.