Cycle stand provision in London generally is laughably inadequate, and where it does exist is often inappropriately sited. As for a cyclist who needs to be able to double lock a bike and a trailer, well, parking provision is totally non-existent. But this cyclist with a Mule has managed to utilise what's available. And in a Tesco car park too (the branch on Gainsborough Road, Leytonstone).
Friday, 13 March 2009
Articulated cycle parking
Cycle stand provision in London generally is laughably inadequate, and where it does exist is often inappropriately sited. As for a cyclist who needs to be able to double lock a bike and a trailer, well, parking provision is totally non-existent. But this cyclist with a Mule has managed to utilise what's available. And in a Tesco car park too (the branch on Gainsborough Road, Leytonstone).