Aubrey Road E17 - a very dangerous road because of all the ice. But who is responsible for all the water which pours down the road and makes it so hazardous?
(Below) You might think the water which had turned into ice resulted from the roadworks. You'd be wrong. The contractors are blameless. Nor is it the fault of Thames Water, or even the Council. Let's follow the icy trail to its source...
(Below) Water pouring down Aubrey Road forms a pool behind the road hump and spills over onto the other side of the carriageway, spreading so that ice forms by the hump across the full width, as well as on both sides of the road.
(Below) Looking towards Church Hill. This ice is hazardous for all road users but especially cyclists and motorcyclists.
(Below) The source of the water that has turned into ice. It comes from this garage, which is in the back garden of a house on Howard Road E17. The garage appears to be being used for some sort of car repair business. In the summer I've seen the doors open and a man in mechanic's overalls working on up to two cars. The local car accessory firm Clarkins park their van on the pavement, blocking it, and make deliveries. Cars are reversed in and out. This is not some bloke who is passionate about his own motor but plainly a business, albeit a very discreet one. And whatever is going on inside this garage generates a great deal of water, which can regularly be seen flowing from beneath the doors and down Aubrey Road. The ice stops here.