Monday, 8 September 2008

Don’t make me bleedin’ laugh

The Whipps Cross hospital trust earned £552,000 last year from car parking.

A spokeswoman for Whipps Cross said it had no plans to scrap car park charges. She added: “Car parking income helps to fund road and pavement resurfacing and marking, improving and renewing street lighting, safety improvements such as pedestrian crossings, road marking for ambulance and disabled bays, maintenance of car park surfaces, provision of external CCTV camera systems and improving cycling facilities for staff and visitors to the trust.

Ha bloody ha. This is a hospital which provides a grossly inadequate 16 cycle stands. As far as I could see they weren’t gold-plated or encrusted with diamonds, so whatever the Trust is spending its half a million smackers on, it sure as hell isn’t provision for cyclists.

Let me repeat myself: Whipps Cross University Hospital is a car-sick institution with a drug-addicted administration and staff. It is an institution addicted to oil and car dependency.