It is vile and disgusting and I too am fed up with being fobbed off by Bob Belam. Perhaps if his road was this filthy, it would be a different story.
All these photographs taken in Walthamstow during weekday working hours Monday-Friday this week.
(Above) It could be just about anywhere in the borough. Look carefully and you'll see there's an overflowing litter bin attached to the post in the background.
(Below): where else but just off Walthamstow High Street?

(Below) Brandon Road E17. Try getting past this mountain of rubbish with a buggy or a wheelchair.

The council's contractors continue to pile sacks of 'official' rubbish by cycle stands (below: Wood Street, by The Duke's Head)

(Below) The next cycle stand on Wood Street. Because the council's own contractors continue to treat cycle stands as suitable places to leave rubbish for collection, it's no surprise others do too: