Demonstration outside the EMD cinema 186 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, E17.
This will be followed by a free film and social event at the Victoria Bar next door to the EMD Cinema. Various short films featuring the EMD and Alfred Hitchcock will be screened alongside some fascinating and revealing footage of particular pertinence to the current campaign. The council is currently rushing their plans through to allow the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God full use of the building and convert it into a church and training rooms, it is imperative to show support for saving the EMD as the borough’s last cinema.
This Thursday (5:30-8pm) and Friday (4-8pm) the UCKG are exhibiting their plans at St Gabriel's Church and Family Centre, Havant Road E17. Note that they haven't called it a consultation. All the same, they claim that they will take residents' opinions into account, so don't be shy. Do challenge them on whatever you care about. That could include: why the cinema has been so poorly maintained; whether the proposed community space will be affordable and uncensored; how much non-church users could access the main auditorium for films/performances; and their willingness to trade the cinema for an alternative venue.
More information at McGuffin