Ned knocked this up overnight, for his last stand on High Road Leyton.
Yes, I've no sooner expressed scepticism that urban areas will be restructured to put pedestrians and cyclists first (as recommended by The Lancet), than this appears. I first spotted it last weekend, from a distance. I naturally assumed it was the aftermath of a crowd of intoxicated Old Etonians having sport with a junction box. But pedalling past yesterday I realised this new structure is intentional.
If you are keenly interested in strange monoliths you can find it on High Road Leyton, between the junctions with Belmont Park Road and William Street. A very busy shopping street with a high pedestrian flow.
What is it?
Possibly a monument to Arthur C. Clarke. However, my best guess is that it's the base of a future advertising panel, installed to transform the pavement into an income-generating commodity by using it to advertise products to passing drivers. Further evidence that no one gives a toss about walking, and that walking policy documents are every bit as much trash as cycling policy documents or Climate Change policy documents.
We'll see. Watch this space.