Saturday, 26 January 2008


In 2006, the number of children killed in road crashes in Britain was 169 –a 20 per cent rise on the figures for 2005. There was also a five per cent rise in the number of motorcyclists killed, with the total reaching 599 and pedestrian deaths were also up by one per cent, reaching 675. There was a four per cent fall in the number of car users killed, with last year's total dropping to 1,612.

The vulnerable die. Those who drive recklessly surrounded by air bags and steel safety cages stand a much better chance of survival. And the vulnerable have to ‘campaign’ for a sectarian transport system to address the ‘feasibility’ of allowing them protection from killer drivers. Thus

A pedestrian crossing, built in memory of an 11-year-old who died in a road accident in 2005, is due to be officially opened on Friday. Scott Cook's sister, Abbey, will perform the opening ceremony on the A46 near Stroud in Gloucestershire. 'Scott's Crossing' was installed following a campaign by people that encouraged Gloucestershire Highways to carry out a feasibility study.