A local tradition during Bike Week is to leave small reminders to cyclists that when the heady excitements of cycling promotion are over with for another year, things will go back to being complete crap.
By 2012, London will be covered in blue cycling super-highways, like varicose veins on an octogenarian's leg. And who can doubt that this attractive cycle lane on High Road Leyton (above) could not but be marvellously transformed by being painted blue instead of pink?
(Below) The welcoming start to the cycle lane on Walthamstow Avenue, E4
(Below) There wasn't room in the skip for these wooden pallets. So merry pranksters put them round the cycle stand outside 565 High Road Leytonstone.
(Below) If you follow the sign pointing in the wrong direction to Hackney at the southern end of The Black Path (which links with the Orient Way cycle lane), you continue to the far end, where this sign will confirm your wrong route. Hilariously, instead of leading you on an off-road cycle lane to Hackney you'll find yourself on the road that leads past Walthamstow's refuse tip and on to the terrors of Markhouse Road E17. Which is nowhere near Hackney!
(Below) And lastly, two generous contributions by contractors to the Lea Bridge Road off-road cycle lane.