Saturday 4 August 2012

A little piece of Holland in Walthamstow

No, not Dutch cycling infrastructure. That’s nowhere in sight. I mean this, which I spotted today in Walthamstow.

That rack at the back of the van looks like it might be for carrying bikes. If so, this Dutch team should do well in the Olympics, because the London Borough of Waltham Forest’s cycling infrastructure is perfect for character-building and testing human endurance to its limits.

Not far away our Dutch visitors can find one of the many attractive local cycle lanes, which are perfect for developing those all-important vehicular Cyclecraft skills. Once you’ve cycled in Waltham Forest there is nothing in life that you can’t meet with perfect equanimity.

And who wouldn’t want to sample this brand new Leyton cycle route in the door zone, enhanced with Olympic money? It provides a direct, fast route to the site of the latest London cycling fatality, which is just down the road.

And now here is an important announcement.