Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Ascham Homes driver on a mobile phone: my complaint is upheld

Most of the time I can’t be bothered to complain about bad drivers but occasionally I make the effort. The Council acknowledges complaints about LBWF drivers but I never hear another word about the outcome. And the NHS, as readers may recall, is incapable of identifying a vehicle covered in NHS livery with the word AMBULANCE on the back.

But at last I’ve had a good response to a complaint and from Ascham Homes of all people. This did surprise me, in view of their negative coverage in the local press. Credit where credit is due: they investigated and have been good enough to tell me about the outcome. This is the key part of their response (I have withheld the name). My complaint was about one of their drivers using a handheld mobile phone.

----- has now investigated the matter including speaking to the person who was driving the van on 19th August 2010 about the allegation that had been made against him. He admitted that it was possible that he may have instinctively answered the phone if it had rung whilst he was driving.

He cannot actually remember doing this on the date in question but he said it was possible that he might have, without thinking, picked up the phone and answered it.

----- asked the driver of the van if he realised that it was against the law to hold a mobile phone and talk into it whilst driving. The driver admitted to knowing it was against the law and apologised profusely for his actions stating that it would not happen again.

----- explained that, apart from it being against the law, by using a mobile phone whilst driving he could endanger his life and the lives of others.

A meeting was held with all the staff from the Caretaking Section and it was reiterated to them that under no circumstances should a driver of a vehicle ever hold and speak into a mobile phone whilst driving.

Written instructions will be issued within the course of the next few days to remind all staff that it is against the law to use a mobile phone whilst driving and it would be investigated under our personnel procedures should anyone be caught breaking the law.