Being a good carbon citizen isn't just about looking good on paper gushes the SERCO website.
Inspired by SERCO’s passionate sense of corporate responsibility and keen commitment to the environment, I sent this email on 12 March:
This morning I saw one of your drivers steering with one hand while talking on a handheld mobile phone. The registration number was BN08 EAG and this white van said on the side SERCO INCIDENT SUPPORT. The driver appeared to be a white male. He was evidently right-handed, as he was holding the phone to his right ear and steering with his left hand. He was driving west on the A503 (Forest Road, London E17) and I saw him at 10.20 am.
Perhaps you could enlighten me as to what standards SERCO expects of its drivers, particularly with regard to using handheld mobile phones.
On 14 March I had a reply from someone in Corporate Responsibility:
Thank you for your e-mail which I shall forward to our Fleet Department for initial investigation and response.
Since then, nothing.