He was a lorry driver who also drove a 4X4 and had a violent and uncontrollable temper.
The incident happened when the HGV driver left a sports and social club where he had been drinking on August 28 last year.
Trudi Yeatman, prosecuting, said the normal exit was blocked so he decided to go through the gated emergency exit, where both boys were sitting.
The boys were doing nothing wrong but this ill-tempered yob 4X4 driver decided to use his vehicle as a weapon.
'Both boys were sitting on top of the gate and Mr Collicutt, in his car, drove straight at the emergency gate and drove straight through it,' she said. 'Karl Probbitts was run over by the vehicle and became trapped underneath it. He remained trapped under the vehicle until it hit the bollard basically dislodging him.'
In his statement the teenager said he was dragged under the vehicle for what felt like 10 minutes and claimed that at one point the 4x4 stopped and reversed over him.
'The vehicle was then driven by the defendant down the road before it collided with a bollard shortly afterwards and a wooden fence.
John Collicutt, 59, was jailed for two and a half years today for running over the teenagers in his 4x4 and inflicting devastating, life-changing injuries on the boys.
One was left almost blind in one eye and the other now has to take 25 tablets a day.
Max White, who had been leaning on the gate at the time of the accident, suffered a fractured vertebrae in his spine. He still has to take morphine as he remains in pain 24 hours a day.
The Recorder heard that doctors had said it was difficult to predict the long term prognosis for Mr White who currently takes 25 pills a day. Ms Yeatman said both boys had also suffered psychological damage and had trouble sleeping as a result of what had happened.
Scandalously, for using his vehicle as a weapon and destroying two young lives, he was disqualified from driving for two years.