Two London streets where the planners have decided there is ample scope for cycling infrastructure on the Dutch model, with work beginning next month on the first safe, segregated cycle paths in the capital.
April Fool!
Of course there are no such plans and no such vision.
Love your High Street it says on the pink banner attached to that lampost. But from a cycling perspective, what is there to love about a one-metre wide cycle lane on a one-way street where some vehicles go very fast and overtaking heavy goods vehicles come within inches of your right handlebar? Unfortunately a lot of cycling campaigners would see this as good practice. Yet the scope for a safe, segregated cycle path on the Dutch model is obvious. Marchmont Street, WC1.
Just as it is in an outer London borough like car-sick Waltham Forest. Get these cars off the pavement and build a segregated cycle path (Chingford Road E17). But if cycling campaigners have no vision of what is possible, we shouldn't be surprised that politicians and transport planners don't.